Center for e-Design
The Center for e-Design is a cooperative research center combining industry needs with academic resources to accelerate product realization by developing and applying intelligent strategies and tools that integrate, leverage, and enable the processes, personnel, and data of design and manufacturing enterprises. The center is committed to resolving these challenges through creative and innovative research. The partner labs below combine to encompass center activities that focus on fundamental research, research test beds, engineering education, and technology transfer.
Research at the Center for e-Design is oriented to application areas where large-scale, complex projects are being developed, often involving multiple collaborators at various locations. Application areas include transportation, manufacturing, information technology, and health and safety. Research is categorized into five thrust areas – Integration, Information Infrastructure, Innovation, Intelligence, and Design Education. Research projects address a diverse range of engineering challenges faced by high-tech companies and agencies competing in a global economy.
The Center for e-Design works with many dedicated individuals to provide quality research, collaboration, and administration. We have an eclectic group of researchers and administrators that have contributed to the success of the Center since its establishment in 2003. The diversity of our group continues to expand as additional universities join the Center. Areas of individual expertise include a variety of engineering disciplines, design, information technology, education, and group behavior.
The Center for e-Design envisions a future where systems and products are developed with the full participation of all key stakeholders, including manufacturers, engineers, designers, and consumers. Partnerships between industry and academia are key to realizing this collaborative future. Members are paramount to the success of e-Design research. Direct participation by members in the project planning, testing, and implementation phases guide researchers to produce the most efficient and effective results. The Center plays a key role in serving the mutual interests of private industries, government agencies, and academia.
Benefits of Becoming A Member
Access & Drive Cutting-edge Research
- Directly influence the research priorities of the Center
- Lower in-house R&D costs through utilization of R&D efforts of the Center
- A competitive advantage through achieving shorter cycle-time development for product development and design
- Access to research being conducted by 7 state-of-the-art universities
Tools & IP
- Access to information and technology on rapid advances occurring in product/system production
- First rights and access to developments including patents, licenses, publications
- Tools for customers to communicate product specifications and preferences to manufacturing vendors and original equipment manufacturers
Education & Training
- Integrated state-of-the-art web-based product design and realization training
- Organizational means through which the private and public sectors can identify and support pertinent research challenges
- Short courses for industry representatives
- Visitation program between university researchers and industry partners
- Access to a pool of talented students trained with the Center
How to Become a Member
Any company, federal research and development organization, or government-owned contractor-operated laboratory may become a member of the Center. Companies sign a membership agreement and contribute $30,000 annually in support of the Center. Small businesses may join as associate members for $10,000 annually.
Member Sites
- Boyd Fabrication Lab
- Rapid Manufacturing and Prototyping Laboratory
- Virtual Reality Applications Center
- Center for Innovative Materials Processing through Direct Digital Deposition
- Factory for Advanced Manufacturing Education

Contact Us
- If you are interested in learning about the Center for e-Design, contact Dan Finke, director, at