Person adding a note to a whiteboard

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I request a simple web edit?

To submit routine website changes directly to the Creative team, please visit This form can be used for changes such as adding or changing events, seminar, and webinar information; adding and deleting text to existing pages, updating staff information, etc. If your changes are more complex and require a complete page overhaul, new page, or website build, please submit the request by emailing New directory entries and updates to existing directory entries should be sent to


How can I request that an event be added to the departmental/college calendar?

To submit event information to the Creative team, please visit

How can I submit digital advertisements to the College of Engineering and/or department monitors? 

For submission information, design tips, and EBS guides, please check the EBS web page.

EBS training requests and/or support questions can be submitted to or


How can I submit an item for the Undergrad News, Grad News, or Employee News?

Submit content for all newsletters through the Newsletter Content Submission Form.  

  • Undergraduate News is published every other Tuesday during the fall and spring semesters. Submissions are due the Friday before each send.
  • Graduate News is published every Wednesday during the fall and spring semesters. Submissions are due Friday for the following week’s email.
  • Employee News is published on the fourth Friday of the month. Submissions are due the Wednesday before each send. 

Please remember that while items may be submitted for newsletter consideration, final communications approaches are determined by the Communications and Marketing team.


How can I request a news story or social post?

Requests for editorial coverage should be emailed to Please remember that while items may be submitted for editorial coverage consideration, editorial coverage approaches are determined by the Communications and Marketing team.

Online Directory

How do I submit a text update for the online directory?

Content updates and new directory entries should be sent to


Can faculty and staff submit photos for the online directory?

Courtesy of the Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute, the college will have a two-day faculty and staff photoshoot in October. More information about scheduling has been emailed to all College of Engineering faculty and staff.

  • To update contact information for faculty and staff who don't appear in the directory or for text updates to existing entries, please email These updates must be made by IT and are not accessible to Communications and Marketing.

Can graduate students submit photos for the online directory?

If a department has a graduate student directory, departments can submit photos to Photos of graduate students do not need to align with the existing directory photo background because they are not part of the official online directory system. They live as individual pages on department websites. Submissions will be batch updated online by the Communications and Marketing team by the end of each month. Alternately, you may reach out to to inquire about the availability of scheduling a group photo shoot.


What are the guidelines for taking my own directory photo?

Recommendations include:

  • From mid-chest up
  • Looking into the camera
  • Dark background that aligns with the online directory
  • Space around the edges for cropping (top or sides of the head should not be cut off)
  • Minimum of 256 pixels wide x 320 pixels high at 300 dpi
  • No selfies


How soon will my directory photo be updated?

Submissions will be batch updated online by the Communications and Marketing team by the end of each month.


I’m a graduate student. How can I have my photo taken for the directory?

An individual may submit their own photo to The college is currently not conducting department-wide photoshoots of graduate students for the online directory.


Photo and Video

I’m looking for a photographer for our event. What types of events do you cover?

We prioritize photo and video coverage for marketing and communications purposes, such as research, images for websites and marketing materials, news story support, and college-wide events. For department events, a request can be submitted, and someone will let you know if coverage is available. If the photos are for internal use only (retirement parties, graduation get-togethers, social gatherings, small awards, etc.), we recommend hiring a photographer or having someone in attendance take photos. 


How can I request photography or video coverage?

For an upcoming event, fill out the request form and someone will let you know if coverage is available. For all other requests, contact Kate Myers at 


What do I need to know to ensure successful in-lab photo and video footage?

  • Photos and footage will be used for recruitment and marketing for the college and departments and pictures will be shared with the contact person for individual use.
  • All University health and safety protocols must be followed.
  • Everyone should be dressed in a way that positively represents Penn State. Formal dress is not required. Penn State or engineering gear, or solid bright colors are recommended.
  • Please avoid clothing that shows other university logos, inappropriate wording or graphics, or highly visible company logos.
  • All required safety gear (gloves, eye protection, lab coat, etc.) must be worn.
  • Before the session, please make lab spaces as clean and tidy as possible. Put away unnecessary boxes. Throw away trash. Check for any items that might negatively affect the visuals.
  • Footage captured will be photo or video only. There will be no audio or interviews.
  • Live research during video sessions is not necessary. Footage can capture individuals collaborating and working with the available materials and equipment.



How can I order stationery, business cards, physical letterhead, and digital letterhead?

These items must be ordered through the Penn State Multimedia Print Center. Set up an account and place orders here.


What makes for a good news item? What information should I provide in a request for coverage?

Good news items engage readers with something new, timely, or otherwise relevant to the reader now. They appeal broadly, with little jargon and clear context, and contribute to the reputation of the college and affiliated units. News coverage is decided by the Communications and Marketing team, and approaches may include stories, news briefs, social highlights, posts, media pitches, or advisories. To request coverage consideration, please email 


What is a University Brand Review (UBR) number?

A University Brand Review (UBR) number is a number assigned by the University Brand Review representative to all promotional publications. The UBR number serves several purposes:

  • To indicate that the publication has been reviewed and meets Penn State’s publication standards. These standards can be found in the Penn State Brand Book’s Editorial Standards and Visual Identity Standards, as well as the Chicago Manual of Style.
  • To create a record of the promotional materials produced by departments
  • To identify the unit that produced the publication


Who can I contact for print services?