close-up view of a bee on a on yellow flower

International Research Experience for Students

Manifestations of Climate Change in Extreme Events, Social and Biological Systems

This International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) program focuses on providing research opportunities for students to learn about manifestations of climate change in extreme events and how they impact ecosystem services mediated by pollinators. In this course, undergraduate students will engage in an eight-week research experience working with mentors from Penn State, Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, INTE PUCP, Peru’s Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, and the Geophysical Institute of Peru. Projects will focus on investigating how extreme events are impacting the Peruvian region and developing responses to their damaging effects.

Students will participate in interdisciplinary research guided by mentors representing the following research topics:

  • Climate dynamics
  • Biosphere-atmosphere interactions
  • Radio frequency remote sensing
  • Water-energy-food nexus challenges
  • Plant-pollinator interactions and crop production
  • Analyses and predictions of floods and droughts
  • Sociology and demography
  • Health and social impacts of climate change
  • El Niño mitigation methods
  • Potentially applicable Drawdown solutions
  • Hardware and software development and integration

The program will be held virtually May 31 – June 14, then onsite in Peru for the remaining six weeks until July 24. Students will receive a stipend, travel costs, and room and board.

The program is administered by Penn State and funded by two NSF IRES grants: 2107275 (Department of Electrical Engineering) and 1952470 (Department of Entomology).

The application process for this cycle is now closed.

For more information:

  • Julio Urbina, Ph.D.
    Professor of Electrical Engineering
  • Margarita López-Uribe, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor of Entomology

  • Application is due on February 23, 2024.