four students collaborate on a project in a classroom

Mentorship and Research


Mentors participating in this program include twelve faculty from Penn State, Peru’s Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, and the Geophysical Institute of Perú:

  • Julio Urbina: Remote sensing
  • Margarita López-Uribe: Pollinator health
  • Alfonso Mejía: Ecohydrology, network science
  • José D. Fuentes: Atmospheric sciences
  • Rachel Brennan: Drawdown solutions, water-energy-food nexus
  • Chris E. Forest: Climate dynamics
  • Luis Duque: Storage Root Physiology
  • Julio Kuroiwa: Hydrology, El Niño
  • Jose Oliden: Sensors and signals
  • Yamina Silva: Climate dynamics
  • Eric Cosio, Hydrological balance
  • Norma Salinas, Ecosystems


Program research topics include:

  • Characterizing extreme events of climate change (heat, rainfall, drought, floods, air quality, wildfires, etc.)
  • Studies of thermal ecology and foraging behavior of pollinators
  • Regional distribution and budget of air pollutants (ozone)
  • Mitigation of El Niño phenomena (rainfall, floods by region, etc.)
  • Drawdown solutions for climate change
  • Social adaptation to extreme weather events
  • Development and integration of technologies

For more information:

  • Julio Urbina, Ph.D.
    Professor of Electrical Engineering
  • Margarita López-Uribe, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor of Entomology